Richard Came, II

Richard Came, II

Richard is proof in the power of advertising, and in how a single moment can change lives. Richard had never heard of Wallace State Community

 College before he saw our billboard on Interstate 65. That particular billboard had a picture of a nursing student, and Richard just happened to be looking for an accredited nursing school as he was contemplating a move to north Alabama. After seeing Wallace State’s billboard, Richard googled the college and found that we were located just 10 minutes away from a house they were considering. That single moment on the Interstate led Richard to Wallace State, but it was another moment that led him to Nursing. 

Richard is originally from Arizona and had a grandmother who lived in New Jersey. About 11 years ago, his grandmother fell and was placed in arehabilitation facility. The family convinced her to come to Arizona to live with them and later she suffered a stroke and was eventually placed in hospice care before she passed away.  Richard credits living through that process and seeing medical teams care for his ailing grandmother for inspiring him to pursue a nursing career where he could help people and go home at night knowing he had made a difference in someone’s life. Richard tells his friends that his career in nursing is the last gift that his grandmother gave to him. 

Richard, who is also a member of the Wallace State E-sports team, has secured a job in the Emergency Room at St. Vincent’s East. 

Richard, we are thankful that you read our billboard that day and decided to attend Wallace State, but most of all that you are using the gift from your grandmother to help others.