Donnanisha Jones

Donnanisha JonesDonnanisha Jones' journey to graduation tells the story of persevering in the midst of tragedy. 

Donnanisha dropped out of high school, later graduating with honors from an Adult Education high school diploma program.  During her two years at Wallace State, Donnanisha faced numerous obstacles, including transportation insecurity. But the trauma of tragically losing two nephews and cousin to gun violence, and her own two sons thankfully surviving gun violence truly affected her academic performance. 

Balancing work, family and academic responsibilities, Donnanisha exemplifies unwavering dedication. 

Today, Donnanisha graduates with an associate in applied science degree in Forensic Investigation, a degree she plans to use to become an advocate for peace and justice. 

Donnanisha stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, not only for herself but for her entire family. Today Donnanisha becomes the first person in her family to earn a college degree—an accomplishment she holds with immense pride and excitement. 

Congratulations, Donnanisha, on your remarkable journey.