Hanceville Mayor Kenneth Nail signs proclamation, recognizing National Adult Education and Literacy Week at Wallace State

HANCEVILLE, ALA. – Hanceville Mayor Kenneth Nail recently signed a proclamation, recognizing
Wallace State during National Adult Education and Literacy Week, which was observed
from Sept. 19-25.
Wallace State’s Adult Education program offers day and evening classes, both online
and in the classroom. Classes are free of charge and are conducted at the main Wallace
State campus in Hanceville and at the Oneonta site, in addition to off-campus locations
in Blount, Cullman, Morgan and Winston Counties.
Students must be at least 17 years old and not enrolled in a K-12 program to register
with the Adult Education program. Students are required to attend an orientation session
before beginning coursework.
Ryan Jordan is among the current Wallace State Adult Education students. Learn more
about his journey through the program, allowing him to simultaneously enroll in welding
classes | https://news.wallacestate.edu/?p=18128
The resolution signed by Nail stated:
WHEREAS, more than 36 million Americans can’t read or write at the most basic level while
60 million lack basic math skills, as well as the credentials and skills necessary
to succeed in post-secondary education; and
WHEREAS, the need for a highly literate citizenry increases as Alabama moves toward an increasingly
technological future; and
WHEREAS, without Adult Education, low-skilled adults are more likely to be unemployed, in
poverty, in poor health or incarcerated; and
WHEREAS, Adult Education programs contribute to solving these challenges by helping Alabamians
move along the pathway continuum in their educational journey to achieve basic education
and skills training for career and college preparedness; and
WHEREAS, Adult Education programs are a key aspect of reaching the state’s attainment goal
of adding 500,000 credentialed, high skilled employees to Alabama’s workforce by 2025;
WHEREAS, Adult Education programs are cost effective, smart investments that upgrade the skill
set of our citizens; and
WHEREAS, Adult Education programs help parents become the best first teachers for their children
so that all Alabama’s children attain grade-level reading proficiency before the end
of the third grade; and
WHEREAS, Alabama celebrates Adult Education and Family Literacy Week as a proud participant
in the National Educate & Elevate Campaign which helps our citizens learn about all
of their Adult Education options to attain their professional and personal goals.
For more information on Wallace State’s Adult Education program, visit https://www.wallacestate.edu/programs/adult-education or contact Jennifer Lambert at 256.352.8078/Jennifer.lambert@wallacestate.edu at the main site or the Oneonta Center at 205.625.4020.
Read more about National Adult Education and Literacy Week here: https://national-coalition-literacy.org/adult-education-and-family-literacy-week/
For more information about Wallace State, visit www.wallacestate.eduid="attachment_18256" align="alignnone" width="300" Hanceville Mayor Kenneth Nail signed a proclamation this week, recognizing National
Adult Education and Literacy Week at Wallace State. He is pictured with, from left,
WSCC interim Adult Education Director Suzanne Harbin, Adult Education instructor Teresa
Glasscock and WSCC President Dr. Vicki Karolewics.###
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