Wallace State PTK Honor Society plans 5K to aid student food pantry

HANCEVILLE, Ala. — The Wallace State Community College Alpha Chi Tau chapter of Phi
Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society will host a 5K Miles for Meal Run, Walk, Give event
on Sunday, Sept. 19, on the main campus in Hanceville. The event will benefit the
Lions’ Pride food pantry that is available to all Wallace State students.
The 5K Miles for Meals event is this year’s Distinguished College Project for PTK.
The club received a national Hallmark Award in 2020 for hosting a middle school math
tournament for students across north Alabama.
“This year’s college project is especially meaningful as it will help our Wallace
State students,” said Stacey Sivley, PTK sponsor. “With the recent increases in the
price of everyday items, dollars aren’t stretching as far as they did before. We’re
glad to be able to give to the Lions’ Kitchen, so that students who may need a little
help can find it here at Wallace State.”
There is no entry fee for the event. PTK is asking for donations of non-perishable
food items that can be most useful to college students, especially those who may be
living in dorms.
“While canned goods will be accepted, most needed are things peanut butter, cereal,
granola bars, microwavable mac and cheese and things like that,” Sivley said.
Registration will be from 2 to 2:45 p.m. outside of Tom Drake Coliseum, with the event
beginning at 3 p.m. Each participant will receive a T-shirt. Register in advance at https://forms.office.com/r/XZ9cHesKxe.
Wallace State’s PTK Honor Society inducts new student members with an evening reception
during each fall and spring semester. Wallace State students are eligible for consideration
if they maintain a 3.5 GPA for 12 or more credit hours the previous semester. Wallace
State’s Alpha Chi Tau Chapter of PTK is also a 5-star achiever.
Phi Theta Kappa is the largest honor society in American higher education with 1,285
chapters on two year and community college campuses in all 50 states and in Canada,
Germany, Peru and other select republics or territories. More than 2.5 million students
have been inducted into Phi Theta Kappa since its founding in 1918, with approximately
135,000 students inducted annually.
Fall 2021 Regular and Mini-Term I classes began Aug. 19 and Mini Term II classes start
Oct. 14. Two online Flex Start terms will be offered, with registration held Aug.
26-Sept. 1 for Flex Start I and Sept. 2-8.
For more information about Wallace State, visit www.wallacestate.edu or call 256.352.8000.